Chip 2011 November
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;; seq.lsp -- sequence control constructs for Nyquist
;; get-srates -- this either returns the sample rate of a sound or a
;; vector of sample rates of a vector of sounds
(defun get-srates (sounds)
(cond ((arrayp sounds)
(let ((result (make-array (length sounds))))
(dotimes (i (length sounds))
(setf (aref result i) (snd-srate (aref sounds i))))
(snd-srate sounds))))
; These are complex macros that implement sequences of various types.
; The complexity is due to the fact that a behavior within a sequence
; can reference the environment, e.g. (let ((p 60)) (seq (osc p) (osc p)))
; is an example where p must be in the environment of each member of
; the sequence. Since the execution of the sequence elements are delayed,
; the environment must be captured and then used later. In XLISP, the
; EVAL function does not execute in the current environment, so a special
; EVAL, EVALHOOK must be used to evaluate with an environment. Another
; feature of XLISP (see evalenv.lsp) is used to capture the environment
; when the seq is first evaluated, so that the environment can be used
; later. Finally, it is also necessary to save the current transformation
; environment until later.
(defmacro seq (&rest list)
(cond ((null list)
(snd-zero (warp-time *WARP*) *sound-srate*))
((null (cdr list))
(car list))
((null (cddr list))
; (format t "SEQ with 2 behaviors: ~A~%" list)
`(let* ((first%sound ,(car list))
(s%rate (get-srates first%sound)))
(cond ((arrayp first%sound)
(snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
#'(lambda (t0)
(format t "MULTISEQ's 2nd behavior: ~A~%" ',(cadr list))
(with%environment ',(nyq:the-environment)
; (display "MULTISEQ 1" t0)
(at-abs t0
(force-srates s%rate ,(cadr list)))))))
; allow gc of first%sound:
(snd-seq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
#'(lambda (t0)
; (format t "SEQ's 2nd behavior: ~A~%" ',(cadr list))
(with%environment ',(nyq:the-environment)
(at-abs t0
(force-srate s%rate ,(cadr list))))))))))
`(let* ((nyq%environment (nyq:the-environment))
(first%sound ,(car list))
(s%rate (get-srates first%sound))
(seq%environment (getenv)))
(cond ((arrayp first%sound)
; (print "calling snd-multiseq")
(snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
#'(lambda (t0)
(multiseq-iterate ,(cdr list)))))
; (print "calling snd-seq")
; allow gc of first%sound:
(snd-seq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
#'(lambda (t0)
(seq-iterate ,(cdr list))))))))))
(defun envdepth (e) (length (car e)))
(defmacro myosd (pitch)
`(let () (format t "myosc env depth is ~A~%"
(envdepth (getenv))) (osc ,pitch)))
(defmacro seq-iterate (behavior-list)
(cond ((null (cdr behavior-list))
`(eval-seq-behavior ,(car behavior-list)))
`(snd-seq (eval-seq-behavior ,(car behavior-list))
(evalhook '#'(lambda (t0)
; (format t "lambda depth ~A~%" (envdepth (getenv)))
(seq-iterate ,(cdr behavior-list)))
nil nil seq%environment)))))
(defmacro multiseq-iterate (behavior-list)
(cond ((null (cdr behavior-list))
`(eval-multiseq-behavior ,(car behavior-list)))
`(snd-multiseq (eval-multiseq-behavior ,(car behavior-list))
(evalhook '#'(lambda (t0)
; (format t "lambda depth ~A~%" (envdepth (getenv)))
(multiseq-iterate ,(cdr behavior-list)))
nil nil seq%environment)))))
(defmacro eval-seq-behavior (beh)
`(with%environment nyq%environment
(at-abs t0
(force-srate s%rate ,beh))))
(defmacro eval-multiseq-behavior (beh)
`(with%environment nyq%environment
; (display "MULTISEQ 2" t0)
(at-abs t0
(force-srates s%rate ,beh))))
(defmacro with%environment (env &rest expr)
`(progv ',*environment-variables* ,env ,@expr))
(defmacro seqrep (pair sound)
`(let ((,(car pair) 0)
(loop%count ,(cadr pair))
(nyq%environment (nyq:the-environment))
seqrep%closure first%sound s%rate)
; note: s%rate will tell whether we want a single or multichannel
; sound, and what the sample rates should be.
(cond ((not (integerp loop%count))
(error "bad argument type" loop%count))
(setf seqrep%closure #'(lambda (t0)
; (display "SEQREP" loop%count ,(car pair))
(cond ((< ,(car pair) loop%count)
(setf first%sound
(with%environment nyq%environment
(at-abs t0 ,sound)))
; (display "seqrep" s%rate nyq%environment ,(car pair)
; loop%count)
(if s%rate
(setf first%sound (force-srates s%rate first%sound))
(setf s%rate (get-srates first%sound)))
(setf ,(car pair) (1+ ,(car pair)))
; note the following test is AFTER the counter increment
(cond ((= ,(car pair) loop%count)
; (display "seqrep: computed the last sound at"
; ,(car pair) loop%count
; (local-to-global 0))
first%sound) ;last sound
((arrayp s%rate)
; (display "seqrep: calling snd-multiseq at"
; ,(car pair) loop%count (local-to-global 0)
; (snd-t0 (aref first%sound 0)))
(snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound
(setf first%sound nil))
; (display "seqrep: calling snd-seq at"
; ,(car pair) loop%count (local-to-global 0)
; (snd-t0 first%sound))
(snd-seq (prog1 first%sound
(setf first%sound nil))
(t (snd-zero (warp-time *WARP*) *sound-srate*)))))
(funcall seqrep%closure (local-to-global 0))))))
;; (timed-seq '((time1 stretch1 expr1) (time2 stretch2 expr2) ...))
;; a timed-seq takes a list of events as shown above
;; it sums the behaviors, similar to
;; (sim (at time1 (stretch stretch1 expr1)) ...)
;; but the implementation avoids starting all expressions at once
;; Notes: (1) the times must be in increasing order
;; (2) EVAL is used on each event, so events cannot refer to parameters
;; or local variables
(defun timed-seq (score)
; check to insure that times are strictly increasing and >= 0 and stretches are >= 0
(let ((start-time 0) error-msg)
(dolist (event score)
(cond ((< (car event) start-time)
(error (format nil "Out-of-order time in TIMED-SEQ: ~A" event)))
((< (cadr event) 0)
(error (format nil "Negative stretch factor in TIMED-SEQ: ~A" event)))
(setf start-time (car event)))))
(cond ((null score) (s-rest 0))
(at (caar score)
(seqrep (i (length score))
(cond ((cdr score)
(let (event)
(stretch (cadar score)
(setf event (eval (caddar score))))
(- (caadr score) (caar score)))
; (display "timed-seq" (caddar score) (local-to-global 0))
(setf score (cdr score)))))
(stretch (cadar score) (eval (caddar score)))))))))))